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Anchor 1

Portable Sound Systems


When you need to be heard & just need a sound system that sounds good and can be set up in seconds flat, we can help


Clockwork AV offer a wide range of  portable sound systems from simple megaphones to sophisticated units with built-in radio mics & blue tooth.


We also have various models available to hire if you just have an occasional requirement


As with all of our product range, please contact us if you need help with choosing the best system for your application by calling us on 01670 789 898 


Anchor 2

Fully Installed Systems


What do you need from a sound system ?


We would say you need 3 key elements, Sound Quality, Controlability and Reliability


The first one is easy - if you are spending hours live on stage or in the studio it needs to sound good as you, and more importantly your clients, need to enjoy what they are listening to.


Controllability - whether the control you need can be provided by a single rotary volume control or a digitally controlled 32-channel mixing desk!


We have years of experience in churches, leisure, studios and stage and can help you choose the best control option for any application and will work with you to ensure you have the best possible system for your budget, no matter how lavish or tight.


Reliability - the most obvious factor.

If the system does not work reliably, you lose money, clients and credibility


We find that there is not one solution that works for all gyms so please give us a call to discuss your individual requirements.


Need it installed - no problem - please ask for details of our nationwide installation service

Call us on

01670 789 898   


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